Friday, April 30, 2010

The Flow

Well hey there everyone how are you, today I'm going to tell you about a movie I watched that was about water.

This movie was about the Pollution in water, did you know in south Africa 1 out of every 10 kids will die before the age of 5?
Lots of people die in south Africa because there are lots of poisin in their water there and they can't afford water so they have to drink from their dirty rotten gross rivers. 2 million people die from water disease in a year and 500,000-7 million people get sick from water per year.

Most of the water bottle companys just put tap water in thier bottled water and every year we spend more then 100 billion dollars on bottled water. Thier are lots of pollution in water and some of them are pesticides and people pay for pills, then they go any drink the water again and that makes more profit for the people who sells the pills. people in will give anything for clean water even thier houses and everything they own! In some cities the pesticides were getting into the water and it changged all the fish to females and there were no males in the water there!

People in poverty can't pay for the pills that get rid of the pesticides and poisins in the water, so the water companys are trying to get them in debt so that they can rule the city or whereever it is that they are taking over.

All over the world the goverment were moving all the poor people and building dams over the river to store the water and then the villigers have to move down river were there is now not that much water and it's really hard for them to surrvive.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Water Wizzard

I think when they say its melting away that means that it's disappearing and if we don't do something soon that it will all just melt away. When they say that it is wasting away it means that we are using to much and we are wasting it. When they say I need it, there's no doubt about it it means that we need it in order to live and if we don't have it that we are going to die. When they say it's what we've got it's all, that's it, means that there is nothing that can take the place of water and there is nothing that we could make that takes its place. When they say every drop counts i think it means that all water is important and no water in unimportant and we need to make every drop count and not waste it.


Warm water hold less salt water then cold water holds. The warm water rises up to the surface forcing the cold water down into the deep abiss. When the warm water rises up it brings planktonand minerals that feed the fish which is important.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ocean currants

The ocean has strong currants and some weak currants. thier are diffrent leves of currants like surface currants and lower currants. the surface currant only goes 400m
down and make up 10% of the ocean and the bottom currant makes up 90% of the ocean.
The upper currant is made from strong wind that push's the water. the lower currants are made from gravity when the water meets mounds under the earth.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

tonsils and adenoids

What the tonsils and the adenoids do…

The tonsils and the adenoids are the first line of defence for the body when you breathe in bacteria the bacteria inflates and causes swelling and that attracts the white blood cells. The longer it stays the more swelling will happen in the nostril and throat.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

brandon science

Mitochondrion: The Mitochondrion is often called the powerhouse of a cell. In the cristae an important reaction happens. The reaction is called cellular respiration, the mitochondria harnesses energy from the glucose to make a special type of energy called ATP. This type of energy will power the cells activities throughout the day.mitochondria.jpg

Chloroplast: The Chloroplast is the reason why plants are called self-feeders. During Photosynthesis the Chloroplast gets energy from the sun to make glucose. When it's made something important happens in the granum. The granum is like a stack of pancakes but it is actually a stack of thylakoid membranes. Plants will send the glucose to the Mitochondrion or store it in vacuoles.chloroplastsfigure1.jpg

So without the Chloroplast the Mitochondrion would be useless and without the Mitochondrion the Chloroplast would be useless. So these two things are very important without them the cell will die. So I think they work perfectly and they shouldn’t change.

By: Brandon Jmayoff

Monday, February 8, 2010



Cells are the basic building blocks of everything that is living. The first microscope was invented in 1940’s. It showed scientists a whole new world about cells and how they make up everything. Before microscopes people believed that diseases came from ghosts and curses.